Stereotomic Project

Stereotomy: [ ster-ee-ot-uh-mee ] The art of cutting three-dimensional solids into particular shapes.

The first project in Studio II was an exploration of stereotomic process to generate space. The first step in this process was to create a series of diagrams that exist within a defined bounding box. The next step was to extrude these diagrams with the use of Rhino to create a mass. This mass was then subtracted from in different ways as the first stereotomic gestures. This final mass then became the main negative space within a solid block. This solid mass was further manipulated by moving faces and introducing secondary subtractive elements to created an inhabitable space.


This project was the first introduction of 3D modeling tools and the use of subtractive operations. The requirement of creating a casting of the space really emphasized the stereotomic nature of this assignment.